Ok...Bck 2 d main thing...I wana go Langkawi again!!! D things der are soo damn cheap!! Frm d chocs to household stuff to liquer!! Duty free shop bah...So damn cheapAaarhhh....(!!)N i've got lotsa things dat I wished 2 buy but never did..Huhuhuu...Impian x tercapai!! But 2 bad..Lifes der SuXx..Duno y still got people stay der till today...Hrrmmm..Noting can be found der ler..Exp: Shopping complexes...I hardly found any cloth der...I guess Langkawi is only popular because of the "keindahan alam semula jadi"...Oh ya..n cheap stuff...
~The Eagle~
But...Yea..BUT(!!)...The thing iz..Der are sum stuff dat I wanted 2 buy..But never got it...Where else my other family members got it...Dats y I say NOT fair....Hopefully I dun look soo greeddy ler..Eheheh...
So....Tiz are sum of d thing dat dey got 2 buy....[4 themselve ONLY obviously]..
Daddy's : Wonder y he get tiz....Never heard of dat 'brand' ler...*ahakzz!!*But smells nice tho...

Hrrmmm...Photo suxx la...Bckground so dark..Weird..
Mummy's: Lancome boh!! Dats y im so jealous..Huh!! N Gucci oso...Knot laa...I oso wan!!!

~Lancome - Treson
~Gucci - Envy Me (Lost d pic sumwhere)
I curi2 open wan...Notice d plastic wraper with d price tag still on...
Oh ya, she manage 2 seludup 7 liquer bck 2 Kuching!! 2 bad she had veli bad taste...She shud bought sumthing special...Like liquer dat 'knot-b-found-in-Kuching'...hrrmm...
*Nevermind d ppl behind, mind the LIQUER...
ME Big Brother : Both Dunhill punya...BOTH!!! Dat means he got 2!! 2 brand new perfume at a time!!!
No commen laa...Eee!!!...Only can say dat d bottles are cool...n got nice colour...*Smells refreshing too...
ME Little Brother : Samsung k310i...haizz...Form 1 nia ordy got hp...Not dat canggih, but 4 him..Ok la...Better den mine summore..HUH!!
[Got no pic 4 tiz..malas wana cari...]
MiNE : Dun have ahh!!! Want dat Beyonce's truestar(Tommy Hilfiger) or maybe dat Anna Sui's...Wuaauwaa!!! But daddy say :" No need laa..Share wit mummy laa...Buy so many ordy..."

But as a Choclate-Addict myself..Bought sum choclate back lo...The [Anthon Berg-Liquer Chocs] ...Sum other Cadbury chocs( oso knot find in Kuching de>>so bongap me..Never knew Cadbury got alot of other flavour...) Oh ya, N 5 box of Ferrero Rocher [did I spelled it correct??]!! WOAHh!! V'day still long way to go...

Oh ya...Got a new 'kick' oso...Muahahaahah!!! It really killss me!! Cost me 200++...Juz 4 a shoe...Ngaiti..But I Love IT!!
* Show off huh?? Well, no laa..Juz love 2 take picture..Ehhehehee...So 'sien kong' nowadays....
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