Der she goes...Huhuhuu....My best fren Sharon...2 Adelaide, Australia..I duno wat time actually her flight is until I read Pauline's blog...Was 11 sumthin tiz morning...Damn!! N I mizz it...Tot wana text her sumthing...Duh..Got so mad wit my parent dat Im lost!! Its bcoz of dem, I knot make it 2 d 'farewell-nite' a few days ago...Knot spend my last valuable time wit her...Dun even get 2 take pic wit her...Haizzz...[So jeles wit d pic in Pauline's or mayb Eve's??..Coz Im not in der..She was d best!! She text me askin y I dun go dat nite..After explaining everthing, she say "Nvm, we can meet again another time..Mayb when Im back 4 hols..I'll sure inform u guys...Dun worry bout ur parent..Mayb dey worried bout u gua...Its ok la..Dun tink soo much liaw.." Wow! Im really touched..I was suppose 2 b suppotive..Telling her dat Im not gona 4get her...But instead she had to layan my karenah...N her last msg was "Take care ahh...Nite2...Frens Forever!!" *Gosh, I tink im gona cry...* Now Im starting to mizz her..*How long does it takes to fly 2 Aus frm M'sia hah??*
Known her since Form 1. Errmm..We're not dat close tho..I remember she sit nexOt 2 me..She was ordy taller den me dat time..N was known as a swimmer in school(got meh?)...2 bad she abandon swimming when she was 15(not sure)...If not she'll have d best body i've ever see among Kuchingian!! Wah!! Shes 1 of d riches brat in school..Hell rite!! But she never shows it...X sombong, rendah diri,x show off...Get wat I mean?? Dat was so cool of her...Not lyk other ppl..Who pretended 2 b d rich brat but in fact pocket owez empty..Cant blame dem tho..Ego-isme controls everyone...Dat include ME...Huhuuu...
We got very close, really2 close during Form4..Duno wat happen laa..We owes change partner de..U see, der are 11 of us(geng)in our group..No matter wat, we owes 'stick' 2gether2..Frm talking craps 2 gossiping bout everthing, 2 canteen n even d loo...Yeah!! Dats wat fren r 4...But 11 ppl is 2 much...So we tend 2 get seperated in2 a few more 'smaller groups'...1 of d 'smaller groups' r ME, Joanna n of course Sharon...
Yeah..mizz those days in school..When we sit 2gether2 in class..In d lab...We talks alott..Even d teacher cant stop us..Hahaa!! Sharon was d joke-maker...Created (i tink) lotsa jokes 2 let us laugh...But sum of her joke were soo lame..At d end, d only person whos laughing was her[herself(!)]...N we were lyk 'muahahaha!!'not real de laa, juz pretend nia She never get angry tho..h ya, we use 2 stay back in school 4 xtra clas..D 3 of us owes order d same food...Sumtime eat d same tapao food...She get her lisence during our f5, b4 SPM i mean..But I was born earlier!!! Not fair!! D best part was, shes d driver 4 us!! She pick us(me n Joanna) n bring ur whenever we wana go..Quoted frm Joanna : " Che you tai duo!!" (Petrol still so much!!) Nyahahah!!!

Known her since Form 1. Errmm..We're not dat close tho..I remember she sit nexOt 2 me..She was ordy taller den me dat time..N was known as a swimmer in school(got meh?)...2 bad she abandon swimming when she was 15(not sure)...If not she'll have d best body i've ever see among Kuchingian!! Wah!! Shes 1 of d riches brat in school..Hell rite!! But she never shows it...X sombong, rendah diri,x show off...Get wat I mean?? Dat was so cool of her...Not lyk other ppl..Who pretended 2 b d rich brat but in fact pocket owez empty..Cant blame dem tho..Ego-isme controls everyone...Dat include ME...Huhuuu...
We got very close, really2 close during Form4..Duno wat happen laa..We owes change partner de..U see, der are 11 of us(geng)in our group..No matter wat, we owes 'stick' 2gether2..Frm talking craps 2 gossiping bout everthing, 2 canteen n even d loo...Yeah!! Dats wat fren r 4...But 11 ppl is 2 much...So we tend 2 get seperated in2 a few more 'smaller groups'...1 of d 'smaller groups' r ME, Joanna n of course Sharon...
Yeah..mizz those days in school..When we sit 2gether2 in class..In d lab...We talks alott..Even d teacher cant stop us..Hahaa!! Sharon was d joke-maker...Created (i tink) lotsa jokes 2 let us laugh...But sum of her joke were soo lame..At d end, d only person whos laughing was her[herself(!)]...N we were lyk 'muahahaha!!'not real de laa, juz pretend nia She never get angry tho..h ya, we use 2 stay back in school 4 xtra clas..D 3 of us owes order d same food...Sumtime eat d same tapao food...She get her lisence during our f5, b4 SPM i mean..But I was born earlier!!! Not fair!! D best part was, shes d driver 4 us!! She pick us(me n Joanna) n bring ur whenever we wana go..Quoted frm Joanna : " Che you tai duo!!" (Petrol still so much!!) Nyahahah!!!
Bahh..Im short of ideas..2 many stuff 2 write bout her..
*She d 1 with black n white stripes....With her TCP..
The trio...Eheheh...Sharon, ME n Joanna
~Eve C, Joanna, Sharon n Eve P~
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