Wednesday, January 31, 2007
No idea...
2 bad..Still have 2 stand, walk...haizz...Me feet now really need sum massage laa...[Anyone??]Damn, my dream fon omoz kena sold ah...Huhuhuu...But it will b gone sad..After tiz knot 'admire' it nemore..Hv 2 wait 4 new stock arrive ler...Nvm la..New stock better..D old 1 got many ppl touch it lia..Eeee....!! So many bacteria der..hahahaa..Oh ya, still having problem wit my phone model n d price...Like memorising notes for SPM ah...
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Working...Only GOD noes how I feeL..
It was damn tiring...But still I wud continue my usual routine every nite ---> Online!! Ehhehehe....2 bad I cant sleep till veli late as usual(3am)....Huhuhuuu....Atually tiz company got 2 shop in dat same building...D new one juz open 4 5 days...hahah..Same floor sumore...Hrrmm...Juz a-stone-throw away laa..So sumtime, if der're no stock at tiz shop, 1 of use have run 2 d other shop 2 get it n vice-versa...Sumtime d phone at tiz shop, but d box are at d other shop....haizzz...Duh!! Dats wat I did..Since Im new..Dey lemme do d easy2 stuff lo..Reload, flexi-e, record stock...etc...But surprisingly I sold 1 fon on my 1st day!! Yeah!!( 2 bad I forget wat type of phone) *Eit, dun laugh arr...Tink easy ah?? 1st day(no xperienced b4),can sell 1 hp quite good ordy loo......*But 2 bad, Im having problems wit d phone models n price...Ishh!! Bingung nyerr!! Dahla Im not dat good in communicating...So sumtime boz have 2 take my place, den he 'stole' my customer away loo..Huhu...Dats wat happen 2day...I was being put 2 another shop..Where der were only 2 guy n 1 gurl(ME)..N dat make it worse..I feel so kekok in front of dem..Haizz..So boring sumore...Got no one 2 talk to, coz all guy ma... :-( Den dey oso stole my customer away lo..Ishh...If dey dun intrupt, I mite get 2 sell 3 hp ah...(On d 2nd day nia wor!!!) Gosh, I duno wat will happen 2 me 2mrw..I hope I'll b working at d other shop instead of d 1 I go 2day..I 'talk' better d other side..N guess wat..I sold 1 hp oso today...D nokia 6288..If I can be 'independant', I've sold out d 3250 n N70 arhh....Haiz!! Nvm la..Boz bah...
I juz hope dat I'll b working at d other shop 2mrw!! Oh god!! Pls help me!! Im more daring at d other side..N plz!! I hope I dun get kick(coz boz give me 1 week percubaan)..I hope can layan customer better b4 the due date...Huaawuaa...
DAts all...NO energy 2 type anything else...Cant bear 2 crack my head again..I've enuf 'cracking my brain' on all d hp models n price...AaarRRrGGHhhhHh!!!!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
NOT fair or wat???!!!
Ok...Bck 2 d main thing...I wana go Langkawi again!!! D things der are soo damn cheap!! Frm d chocs to household stuff to liquer!! Duty free shop bah...So damn cheapAaarhhh....(!!)N i've got lotsa things dat I wished 2 buy but never did..Huhuhuu...Impian x tercapai!! But 2 bad..Lifes der SuXx..Duno y still got people stay der till today...Hrrmmm..Noting can be found der ler..Exp: Shopping complexes...I hardly found any cloth der...I guess Langkawi is only popular because of the "keindahan alam semula jadi"...Oh ya..n cheap stuff...
~The Eagle~
But...Yea..BUT(!!)...The thing iz..Der are sum stuff dat I wanted 2 buy..But never got it...Where else my other family members got it...Dats y I say NOT fair....Hopefully I dun look soo greeddy ler..Eheheh...
So....Tiz are sum of d thing dat dey got 2 buy....[4 themselve ONLY obviously]..
Daddy's : Wonder y he get tiz....Never heard of dat 'brand' ler...*ahakzz!!*But smells nice tho...

Hrrmmm...Photo suxx la...Bckground so dark..Weird..
Mummy's: Lancome boh!! Dats y im so jealous..Huh!! N Gucci oso...Knot laa...I oso wan!!!

~Lancome - Treson
~Gucci - Envy Me (Lost d pic sumwhere)
I curi2 open wan...Notice d plastic wraper with d price tag still on...
Oh ya, she manage 2 seludup 7 liquer bck 2 Kuching!! 2 bad she had veli bad taste...She shud bought sumthing special...Like liquer dat 'knot-b-found-in-Kuching'...hrrmm...
*Nevermind d ppl behind, mind the LIQUER...
ME Big Brother : Both Dunhill punya...BOTH!!! Dat means he got 2!! 2 brand new perfume at a time!!!
No commen laa...Eee!!!...Only can say dat d bottles are cool...n got nice colour...*Smells refreshing too...
ME Little Brother : Samsung k310i...haizz...Form 1 nia ordy got hp...Not dat canggih, but 4 him..Ok la...Better den mine summore..HUH!!
MiNE : Dun have ahh!!! Want dat Beyonce's truestar(Tommy Hilfiger) or maybe dat Anna Sui's...Wuaauwaa!!! But daddy say :" No need laa..Share wit mummy laa...Buy so many ordy..."

But as a Choclate-Addict myself..Bought sum choclate back lo...The [Anthon Berg-Liquer Chocs] ...Sum other Cadbury chocs( oso knot find in Kuching de>>so bongap me..Never knew Cadbury got alot of other flavour...) Oh ya, N 5 box of Ferrero Rocher [did I spelled it correct??]!! WOAHh!! V'day still long way to go...

Oh ya...Got a new 'kick' oso...Muahahaahah!!! It really killss me!! Cost me 200++...Juz 4 a shoe...Ngaiti..But I Love IT!!
* Show off huh?? Well, no laa..Juz love 2 take picture..Ehhehehee...So 'sien kong' nowadays....
Thursday, January 25, 2007
FarewelL.... :'-(
Known her since Form 1. Errmm..We're not dat close tho..I remember she sit nexOt 2 me..She was ordy taller den me dat time..N was known as a swimmer in school(got meh?)...2 bad she abandon swimming when she was 15(not sure)...If not she'll have d best body i've ever see among Kuchingian!! Wah!! Shes 1 of d riches brat in school..Hell rite!! But she never shows it...X sombong, rendah diri,x show off...Get wat I mean?? Dat was so cool of her...Not lyk other ppl..Who pretended 2 b d rich brat but in fact pocket owez empty..Cant blame dem tho..Ego-isme controls everyone...Dat include ME...Huhuuu...
We got very close, really2 close during Form4..Duno wat happen laa..We owes change partner de..U see, der are 11 of us(geng)in our group..No matter wat, we owes 'stick' 2gether2..Frm talking craps 2 gossiping bout everthing, 2 canteen n even d loo...Yeah!! Dats wat fren r 4...But 11 ppl is 2 much...So we tend 2 get seperated in2 a few more 'smaller groups'...1 of d 'smaller groups' r ME, Joanna n of course Sharon...
Yeah..mizz those days in school..When we sit 2gether2 in class..In d lab...We talks alott..Even d teacher cant stop us..Hahaa!! Sharon was d joke-maker...Created (i tink) lotsa jokes 2 let us laugh...But sum of her joke were soo lame..At d end, d only person whos laughing was her[herself(!)]...N we were lyk 'muahahaha!!'not real de laa, juz pretend nia She never get angry tho..h ya, we use 2 stay back in school 4 xtra clas..D 3 of us owes order d same food...Sumtime eat d same tapao food...She get her lisence during our f5, b4 SPM i mean..But I was born earlier!!! Not fair!! D best part was, shes d driver 4 us!! She pick us(me n Joanna) n bring ur whenever we wana go..Quoted frm Joanna : " Che you tai duo!!" (Petrol still so much!!) Nyahahah!!!
*She d 1 with black n white stripes....With her TCP..
The trio...Eheheh...Sharon, ME n Joanna
~Eve C, Joanna, Sharon n Eve P~
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Yesterday, 7pm,I was all ready 2 go out wit my gurl-frens..It was actually 4 Sharon, whos flying 2 Australia 2mrw 2 persue her study(duno taking wat)...We planned 2 have dinner, watch muvie o mayb shopping(2gether 4 1 last time, b4 she came bck)...But d moment I came down, mom started 2 ask all d question dat she could tink of..Den dad start 2 bomb me..Coz tiz actually my 1st time go out at nite(Yeah...It suxx,but its d obedient-guai gurl here)..Ok lo..Wait 4 him bomb finish 1st loo...I hate myself dat time...4 not answering him, defend myself...But how couldI?? I never goes against dem..I respect dem so much dat I dun have d guts 2 say a word!!So u could guess how my life is..I waited on d sofa (eyes on tv,pretending 2 watch d cartoon, whilst mind on sumthing else *goin out*)....Mummy sit on other sofa ignoring me!!! Damn!!! I hate when shes lyk dat..*errrgghh!!* Suddenly she burst out [again]"Y do u wanna go out so late??" ,"J not goin oso..","Y do u do thing without asking permission", "who r u goin out wit n where u go??" , "wat time cum home??" ..blaa..blaa..Dat really gets on my nerves..J is not goin coz she ordy wen out wit sharon dat afternun, so i guess her mom dun allow her 2 stay 'outside' 2 long..But me?? I hvnt gone out since last week!!! DAMN!!! Bout asking permission..Duh!! As if u cared!! I did ask u while we're at kpg on Sun, in front of aunty!! But did u hear a word I say?? No!! U juz ignored me lyk wat u owes did...Dat wasnt d 1st time..I was wondering..Y shud I ask when u never cared??
Tot she'd send me after knowin everything she wana noe..By dat time,I was hoping her 2 get d car key n drive me out b4 my dad start bombing me agiain..But instead she went up d stairs n never cum dwn... :'( *owez looking at d clock* waited mummy 2 cum dwn(mayb she take bath)..But never..Dad again startd 2 nag me.. " U ah..Wat happen 2 u?? Ppl say go out, u say OK...Y cant u say no?? U wana follow G(me bro), go out den cum bck midnite?? Lyk dat izit?? U tu ppuan...Dun ever thing of such thing...Ppl outder bkn bgs punya..All taik,menganggur..Wat u wana do?? Jual urself?? Dun try 2 cheat me..I noe wats gin on..Now I noe u pandei carik kwn frm internet..Sampei dtg ambk u depan rmh...D nxt time I see dat kancil putih...Siap u!! (Sorry O, boh ambk hati..I never meant 2 libatkan u)...If i ever found out anythin...Jaga u!! U go out frm tiz hse!!" Blaa..bblaaa....C?? Wat d hell is on hes mind?? Not dat I go out everynite...Everyday pun x...Dat was like once-a-week-out 2 njoy myself!! But he never understand!! Wat will I be??! Wat do u tink?? N wat will u find out?? Dat im a prostitute??A drug pusher?? A junkies?? A whore?? A biatch??? DUH!! I dun even smoke 4 GOD's sake!! N tiz is wat I get 4 being d gud-obedient-respectful gurl who owes stay at home...If lyk tiz..I'd rather b 1(listed juz now)...DAMN!!!! LIFE SUXX!!
Get my fon n msg P saying dat I cant go...[Coz my parent dun bother 2 send me!!] I was so pist...Ran up 2 my room, change..n CRIED!! Cried d whole nite..Gosh!! How could dey do tiz 2 me?? Wat have I done?? I never cum dwn afterdat, 'diet' whole nite..Wasnt hugry tho..Cried till Im out of tears..Keep asking god wat de hell is goin on..Even tot of doin stupid stuff..Wat bout taking my own life away?? Lots of sharp objects lying around...N colourful-weird looking medicine everywhere...No kidding!! Wats d point after all?? Im so tired of tiz shit!! Soon I dozed of till morning...
Monday, January 22, 2007
2007;New Year Resolutionz....(Lyk dey say " Tahun saje BARU, Crita msh "LAMA")
- Shed 8-10kgs
-No matter wat, muz accomplish tiz!!! Even if doesnt reach my target (janji berat badan turun)...I wana get bck in2 my original shape...Dat was when i was 14...Damn!! Curse all d hormones-hormones in my body...Wuaaawuaa!!
- Celebrate MY 18th Birthday!!!
-Tiz I dun care!! Muz b done@ accomplish it....Its been sooo long since d last time I've celebrated my Bday...Tapi...How Ya?? Organize party @ BBQ o ajak frenzz sumwhere den chia dem mamam??? Hrrrmmm...
- Get a New Handphone....D NOKIA 7390...
- Get iPod o MP4 (cant b sure bout tiz...)

*Oh dearest-pretiest-loveliest-kindest-lovable-beloved MUMMY!! Would u pleaseee...plzzzz get me 1??? Pleassee???? Mayb I payback sum of it later...Plzzz???*

Wah....If got tiz...*mata bersinar2*...
Mummy n Dady :"Work 4 it...blaa..blaa..."

Bah..Tok special edition(limited)...Knot 1 la...
- Go get new hair-do...
-Which one yea???
LIKE TIZ..............


- HELLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT DECIDE!!!
- Buy PS2 ....
-Wan dat PS3..But setau aku d disc veli d xpensive....Knt afford it la...But tizz,Mummy promiz 2 get me 4 xmas 2 yrs ago...Untill nw dun have..Huhu...Duno still can get it onot...

Hehhee...Tiz portable 1 oso can la...But..Xpensive onot???

- Study @ Work Harder n Smarter...
-No commen...But I'll make sure I dun repeat wat I did during my F5..Lazy..last-minute preparation......Im tinking of medical field(Walao eh!! So damn hard ah!!!)...Haizz..No matter wat, I'll try everything juz 2 reach my goal n ...Fullfill my dreamzz *chewah* >Daddy n Mumy..I'll make u guys proud!! *Love Ya....*<
- Get New BF...(Huyooo...Look so desperados!!)
Get d HelL Out Of d House More Often!!
-Im a Socializer!! I wan my freedom!! Not stay at home....Arhhhhh!
- Look 4 part-time job loo...when got chance..(totally broke after graduated)
-Wana earn sum $$$...Go shopping!! Mayb can pay my study fees 2...Den no need mnyusahkan my daddy n mummy loo...*no need 2 hear dat 'bkn u dah keja..mun x dpt spend sesuka hati u"...*
Meet ALL My mIRC Frenzzz(Mayb Not all la)dat setia wit me........N improve my skill in IRC(teach me,plzz!!)..........
-JvGaM@ Verena , Ritchie, iRena^oRen, rally_art_84, KingFighter,Polis^Angkasa@ Krayon,ImTheaw, Randy'@ tOiLetBowL, eekdacat, JoanneJean, The_End_Of_Me, hooigans, Bidayuhady, LadykQay, Im_He_Man, webcruizer, Nix^Meister(where d hell r u?? Mizz u ler..n ur unlogical talks), Holecracker(Hope u'll b back 1 day), elly86(mizz u)....N d list goes on...Soory 2 those not listed...Lupak bah..But really wana meet u guys!!!
Cant tink of any liaw...Dats all..Mayb nxt time add summore...Hiak....Hiakk!!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
ThaNkzz 2 all My FrenzZz...
Juz sum 'appreciation card' 4 those who had giving me stuff...Thankzz ssooo mucchh!!! Love ya'll sooo much!!! Muaakkzz!!! Muaakkzz!!! ;-p~~
- Evelyn Pui : Gone 2 SIngapore 4 vacation last december..Well, she never 4get her girlfren here(dats me)..Bought me a lot of chocs (which is my favourite)..So cute summore..hehehe...Thankz gurl....
Errmm....Still got summore...But ordy fill my stomache with it..Hehehe... :-) N I tink i "miz place'' d wrappers sumwhere...
2. Pauline : Duno y suddenly decide 2 giv me thiz...She dun go 'vacation' ler..In fact last december was her Birthday...Weirdd.....Ei..Sorry ya...4 not giving u anything 4 ur Bday..I'll try 2 get sumthing 4 u tiz few days(dat is if I go out lo)....So, tiz is wat she gave me...
Friday, January 19, 2007
Juz started.......
Hrrmm..wat 2 say?? Yadayayady....I start tiz juz 2 kill my time...So damn f**kin bored now...Not now only...d whole day!! everyday!! OMG!! How can i ever stand tiz??? Staying at home doin noting...Im a socialisER...I shud b out der hanging out wit frens!! Looking 4 new frens..eEven get a new bf 4 myself...But no!! Im juz sitting here...facing d monitor everyday juz 2 let d time flow...I noe..."Isnt der lotsa hosework 2 be done?'' Yea..yea...Watever la...I dun do those stuff la...But of course I did sum!! *sum credit 4 me plz?? Anyone??*
Honestly I cant cook..Gosh,how am I gona cook 4 my hubby??...But I do washing tho..Dat includes the dish...Cloth...'d whole hse-work thingy'..Errmm,wat else..Ironing 4 me bro...Dry d cloth,bring it in...fold dem...But takkan wana do d same thing everyday(xcept 4 d folding cloth,dah terpaksa...!!) Boring doe!!! Dats wat my mom xpect me 2 do...Huhuuhuu...Im soo lifeless!!
Neway, I got 2 say dat tiz blog of mine would be lame sumtime..boring...Coz I love 2 talk crap..Talk shit + nonsense...Dats who I am...But will totally put in sumthing X-travaganza! !(still wonder wat will I publish next) Mite got sumthing 2 do in tiz area...What ya?? Wait le...Got no idea...
Those who read tiz...Can contribute sum ideas to me..Special, Happening events cumin up o goin on around town (KUCHING esp)...But only if dey are 'CLEAN'...Get wat I mean??
~~ClueLess...We're on the ROAD to nowhere..I keep going back to the things that I need to walk away from..~~