Yeah, U saw it....U heard me....Thats wats up with me this days....
I thought I was gona be happy....After the
'make up' part.....But neither did I know that things came up and really 'fucked me up'....
Something happen and so I decide to give it a break....But my boy doesnt let me....As in, hez fucking crazy @ mad to face the fact that I'm leaving since hez been trying and trying and trying and begging soooo hard in talking and winning me back....I just thought "ahh, just give him a second chance laa"....Well, Im not hoping for any miracle to happen after this tho....I know that one day no matter what, sooner or later, he'll leave me....Geeeee, scary huh...But what can do??? I've taken the risk to be in that relationship one year ago...>So I guess I have to take the risk again of having him back and letting him go again in a few months time...
And now the
FCUKED UP part...Yeshh!! You heard me right!!! I fucked up!!! Like 2 days after am back with my boy, and this is between 2 of my babes....Dammmnnn...Again something happen and caused us to kinda 'fight'...They somehow blame me for something that never was my intension to do...It just happen!! Things just happen like that....Why are u guys bombarding me as if I purposely do it???? How can I possibly control whats on his mind and what to say???
I admit though that it was my fault to talk to him about the things we talk about....But I do know my limit....Go ask him if I've ever talked bout u guys...NO!!! Except for the part where I always tell him about that other gurl...Geeee!!! Like what is sooo wrong about that...?? I hate her sooo much!!! So why should I give her face??? I love to bitch her around, but come to think about it...To whom do I bitch her to??? Only him...I only talk about her to him....Not her bf or your bf or anyone else's bf....Rite???
And you called me a backstabber??? Pleasa laaa....Who backstab who at the first place??? Think about it clearly....It was never a friendship by force...Its you who want to have a friendship like that, playing with both side....But have I ever take it in mind??? Never!! Because I trusted you soo much that it never cross my mind that you'll do such thing....If you think you're soooo smart in handling this game, go now and ask your friend what she told him....
Plus, if you hate him soooo much, go ahead....That is your problem...Confront him then, tell him what you know soo much about him....Why do you have to drag that into this??? What does it got to do with me??? We're just arguing merely about the text....Nothing about one's personality or attitude (apart for my bad attitude of talkin tooo much laa..)
To be honest, I'm glad that you guys found the text and 'attack' me that way....Except the part where he insulted you guys...Am truly soory on his behalf....You should know now the way he talked...I was soooo down when this happen, and it really shook me cause I know I really fcuked up this time....But then, when I think of it again, I have nothing to regret at all....
*Soooryy for the harsh words and angry mode....Im not denying anything here and I admit the mistake that I've done...I hope things will get better soon...
Anyhow, thanks for all the great @ precious time we had together....You guys will owes be my babe....I truly regret any pain that I've caused....
To the readers who dont understand, dont woory...Meaning that I'm not talkin bout chill...*