SPONGEBOB!!! Where the hell r u??? Been trying to call u since a few days ago....Iskkk!!Isk!! Tot U say u're not working??!!! Mizz u sooo ssoo mucchh leerr!!! Cum back laa!! My valentine day pun suxx!!! Noting feels good without u around me...Geditt???!!!!

Padah off sampei after CNY gik yaa...Huhuuu!!!! But den why I can call u?? As in whyz ur phone ringing when u're working at a place where ders no line coverage?? Hrrmm...Or did u left ur phone at home??? Ngaiti! How can u live without ur phone around u??? Gosh!! I wonder when u'll be answering ur phone...Plzz dun tell me ur avoiding me!! Coz I really hate it...N seriously, I hate being cheat...Damn!! I had enuf of rejection for now...Huuhhuuu...Dear! Cum back liaw...When we go pakto ah?? Ehehehhe....Cant wait to meet u ler...Watever laa..Juz lemme noe u're wherebout...Plss!!!
Oh ya..Go for driving test tiz morning....So, can say dat i was having a date with kancil n the JPJ..*ahakzz!!!* N guess wat...The tester for my 'on-the-road' test share the same birthday with me!!! Hahahaa...He even say dat we're
SEHATI SEJIWA....OmG!! OmG0sH!! He was soo damN sporting too...Helped me alot during my drive..Thankzz alott yaa!!
But the result was un-expectable!!! Gosshh!!! I cant really commen bout it...hahaha...Its soo damn F**kin unbelievable...But wat can I say??*
*Im speechless!!*

Aiyyaakkk!!! I juz remembered I've got tagged by Eve!!! Haaizzz...Other day laa..Me so sleepy liaw..Tomorow gota work arh....But....Who shud I tag leh??? ^ people sumore..Where to find??? hrmmm...
I mite tag Kenny Sia...Ehehehe..Can I?? Wonder wat he'll say wats weird bout himself..
WATCH OUT!! U mite be my next VICTIM!!!! *muahahaa!!*
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