I aint trippin
Im just missing you
You know what Im saying
You know what I mean....
Every now and then
When Im all alone
I'll be wishing you could call me on the telephone...
Say you want me back
But you never do..
I feel like such a fool
Theres nothing I can do
Im such a fool
For you...
I cant take it
What am I waiting for
My heart's still breaking
I miss you even more...
And I cant fake it
The way I could before
I hate yo
I cant stop thinking of you
Its true...
Im stuck on you...
Now love's a broken record
been skipping in my head
I keep singing yesterday
Why we've got to play this game we play??
~ Stacie Orrico - Stuck ~
Ok..I guess Im crapping myself out rite now...
And yeah...Im stuck in a situation rite now...So lazy to explain in detail..
You know who you are...Its not gona happen ok...So forget about it...You've got her...You dont need me...Please..Dun put me in this situation....
Yeah...No doubt bout it..I kinda like you...But....NO way....
Owhh....Am feeling very2 bad now...
Of course Im not gona ruined your relationship...Been there, done that...Soooryy to say that Im gona back off...Seriously..I dun wana get involve in it anymore...
Plus, I've been lying to my friend just to cover it...But not anymore....
Neway, thanks for confusing me yeah...
Enuf said..Its seems that I've been surrounded by problems all the time..Especially with the boys...*sighh*
Just a few days ago...Theres these guy suddenly came up to me, introduce himself..And blurted "I want you to be my GF..." WTF!!! @#$%&*!!! For goodness sake!! Check yourself out in the mirror!!! Obviously this guy seems way too desperate for a gf...Cume on laa..Dont you have dignity?? I know I do...
Wudever laa..I dun looss anything..but you've looss my friendship...DAaaaA!!
Just wana thanks Sam ( my so called *food consultant* ) for the chocs...Love it!!! Of all the guys who owe me choclate, u're the first one to keep ur promise...hahaaa...Oh ya, thanks for the ice-cream too..Geessshh!!! U're the one who gave me weird diet suggestion..And yet you pampers me with those junk...Soott!!!
Ola @ Jego!! Job well done!!! I knew u can put up a gud performance...Eventho u're suffering from the pain...hahahaa....
Thats all I guess...Wana take my nap...Its raining...Ahhhh!! Feel soo cool...

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