But failed to control myself...I failed to prevent my heart from falling for sumone...Yeah, dats rite..I fall for him...I cant believe it!!! I tried not to but its such a hard task...I admit..Im lonely...wtf...Im not gona deny it...I mish those days...I mish those feeling....I want to cherish that moment soo much...Wana feel it all over again...

I hate this feeling...!!! I ended up hurting myself..Hurting my own feeling!!! Seeing him walking away with sumone else...Why is this keep happening?? Every guy that show up in my life would just go at the end of the day..Leaving me behind to suffer....U shudn't have exist..U shudnt have appeared in my life..in my dream...
Its not suppose to be like this...Izit because I play hard to get?? Or maybe Im just not enough for u?? wtf....I definitely wont play cheap...Im not a slut ok....There was time when I tot that shud I be at the front or wait in line at the back...Im confiused...I shud have ignored you...Not letting myself to fall into so much trouble in the end....I knew it wunt work...But my heart can resist you...They want you...I want YOU!!!
I wanted to tell you...But....Im not sure...Can u see for yorself???!!! Cant u feel it?? I guess not...I really cant explain this feeling...I cant help myself to think about you everyday...O God, give me the strength to go through this...I really need it...
Lastly, gudluck to U....Gona mish u so much...

after being here with the girls, with new friends.. one thing that i've learnt from them is..
you still have reasons to be jolly and gay, i mean happy about :D
don't flunk yourself down on your bed and pour your eyes out over some guy. i know this probably doesn't sound much like me, but hey, i've changed! and i'm sure you can too!
hang around with your lassies and do whacky stuff! get guys outta your head. prince charming might be somewhere nearby, just waiting for the right time to appear ;)
p/s: i've downloaded big girls dont cry. AWESOME
Weeee!!! Yeah...U're rite...he wasnt even mine..HAhahaha....
ReplyDeleteAm feeling better now...Thanks yeah...No big deal laa...Just gone thru sum emotional case in life...Wuaahhahahah!!! Hopefully i'll get over him as soon as posible...
For now, gona pretend like noting happen...thanks for the advise dear....hehhhehe
swt.... one advice from me la. don't know useful or not la. Don't love a person too deep first as it is not the time for you to do so. Sounds negative but o well. you are a big girl you know what to do.byez