Am copying MORAL notes from powerpoint..Coz Mr Sunny loves powerpoint and lazy to go to the shop to fotocopy it..This is so menyusahkan!! I wished I've found the stupid printer's installer. Where the hell did my bro put it??
Next week-the start of out second test..Why is next week come soo sooon?? wtf!! I need fresh air!! Its as if theres always test one after the other..Uurrrhhh!!! How am I gona sit for it? Damn...Im not ready..
1st paper-Moral..Haaiihh!! Dont even knoe what nor how to study..The notes given [which Im copying rite now] doesnt seems to help..Its all nonsense to me..And its in ENGLISH!! Every word and every sentence seems so weird..
Worst, I dont understand what Mr Sunny taught..I mean I know what hes talking about..But sometime the words that comes out feels so deep..Duh!! Its soo damn crap..Like " If u do good things, U're a good person..If u do bad things, den U're a bad person..." Or "You dont held a picture of a person @ sumthing and say wallahh!! Behold the GOD..." Or "As far as ... is concern...blaa..bbllaaa..." wtf!! How can I answer the test question??
Hate to see him too..Know why?? Coz his hand are full of gold..Gold ring, omoz each finger have it..Big gold old bracelet..Buhuuhh!! What is he trying to prove to his student?? That he is rich??I wonder whethehr hes scared of kena rompak onot..Or he wana wait till it really happen?? Hrrmm..
Then 2nd paper is Math..Uuurrhrhhh!!! I never passed this subject!! Even during high school..Back then was additional math..Gaves me nightmare..And Mr Fabian, pls set up some easy question..Plss...
Hes worst..He gave us exercises to do on every lecture...He doesnt really teach..But he do teach us d hell Im talking about?? Weell, its true bah...He expect us to know and remember the stuff we've learn during high school..Ngaaitiii...Dat was soo long ago..I dont do any calculation for about 4-5 month..My brain already beku liaww!!
Goshh!! Its omos the 4th month..Final is coming in a blink of an eye..Im gona finish 1 sem!! Hope I passed and without repeating..
Azee!! I wana see him ttooo!! Not fair laa...
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