Shud I take Medicine??? 

Or Pharmacy?? 

Or Biotech???
Or Makmal Perubatan (not sure wats this atually)??
Auntie ask bout Nursing..

And mummy did mention bout Quantity Surveying...
Ngaiti...Dat course never appear in my mind oo...Hish!! Makin merumitkan keadaan...

Am still waiting for letters offered by college or university...Yeah, Matriculation..Im so hoping dat I got accepted there...But memandangkan my SPM result came out so badly...I dun tink I got any chance...Peluangnya sangat-sangat lah tipis...or nipis???Aahhrrr!!! Watever laa..Dun open books for a long time liaw...Brain getting rusty each and everyday...Sumore Im not 100% bumiputera...Haizz...Dat makes my peluang semakin tipis....I really wished dey could see me...Picture pun cukup la...Den accept me as a bumiputera..Cause I dun even look like chinese..Duh!!! How nice...Dat makes my life easier...
Not just dat..I tried applying IPTA..Thru both online and form..Even use poslaju to send the form cause almost due date...hehehe...Too bad there are only a few courses dat im really interested in...Haiyyaa!!! Hantam saja la... *Fingers cross*
And then tried browsing thru net...Sememangnya terlalu banyak sangat pilihan...They are IMU, Sedaya, Marsha College, Penang Medical College, AIMST, Sunway College, Monash Uni, The University of Notingham Malaysia Campus (!walaoh eh), SIT International College,Twintech...Blaa..blaa...blaa... But too bad I have to think twice bout choosing the college where Im goin to study...Ye la..Have to think bout the fees..The place @ accomodation, The standard @ status..Wheter the college offer study loan onot...Got scholarship onot...Mana ada itu banyak punya duit mauk bayar fees...(*Darn, with my result..Mana ada chance get scholarship..Stupid laarr!!) N still..I havnt decide wat to study!!! aAaarrrhgghhgghhh!!!!
Then again..Dunno me daddy n mummy allow me go far2 away to study onot...Gosh!! Its so depressing...I really wana get out of Kuching ahh...Dun mind if I dun get to drive..I just wana be independant..No need kena 'tiaw' every minute and every hour...Dun have to hear dem nag bout not doin this, not doin that (housework especially)...Kan lebih bagus?? But..Wat if I have penyakit?? "HOME SICK"???? Yea, dun see me big2 size ahh..Im the emotional type ok...Aduh!!! Banyak nye masalah melanda!! Help!!
Dun care laa..Im just hoping that letters wud arrive my door step as soon as possible..Cannot tahan stay home liaw...
why no MMU or petronas in ur list de???
ReplyDeleteI not minat MMU..Petronas ah??? duno laa....never tot bout it..I'll try to check it out..hehehe........