Darn!! This topic really kills me..Result cumes out yesterday..After knowing wat I get for my SPM. Am so not-myself rite now..It suXx..
I cant believe I've flunked my exam..Haizz..Its like worst-case-scenario. Tho everyone was congratulating me. Saying it was good enuf. Probably because I dun really failed the exam..But inside, it hurts..Cause it wasnt enough..I needed 2 or more A's, cause dat was wat I've targeted. But I failed to achieve it. Im a FAILURE!! I shud have pushed harder. Tho I was quite jealous of my friend's result..Dey were just normal.. We played..We studied..But still I dun understand why Im not dat good as dey are..And they scored very well compared to me..Im so damn jealous couse they have real good brains..I tink i have to work 5 times harder to have their brain, their smart-ness..Gosh!! Now den I realised that when comes to study, I shud have struggle more. I noe Im not smart compared to the others. But am I stupid? I dun tink so. Now, wats left is just hot tears flowing down my cheeks..I cant help it..Daddy n mummy put high hopes on me..I've disappointed dem..Dey dun even wan to talk to me now..WHY??? How Come??? I did verry well for my PMR, but why not SPM??? Tsskk..tskk..Daddy, Mummy..Im soo soo soorryy for letting u down!!
Duh....Cant type anymore..I feel so depresed.. Im not sure where I'd head next..I mite not get to continue my studies anymore..My dreams are all shattered into millions...The chances I have are only 40/100..As in 40%.

Please dun comfort me..It'll never work..I noe its not the end of the world..But dun woory. I'll get over it after a while...

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