Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
=> Guys hate sluts even though they have sex with them!!
Ooppss...(Oh yeah, u're not "popular" if U've slept with more than 6 guys...Coz u're a HOE@ whore!!)
=> Guys maybe flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about...
=> Guys go crazy over a girl's smile... *Izzit??? hrrmm...Coool...*
=> Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him...
=> Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-Bf or ex love -interest...
=> Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved... * ahh-haa...Oso need to be manja meh??? *
=> Don't talk about ur guy-friends to ur Boyfriend...
=> Guys get jealous easily... * Haaahhaaa!! Obviously... *
=> Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think...* EGO-ISM of course..No comment...*
=> Giving a guy a hanging message like "You noe wat??!! uUrrmm...Nevermind..." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking...And he'll assume that he did something wrong and he'll get obsess about it trying to figure out what it is... * Heehhee... Yaa..yaa...I noe who that person can be...*
=> Guys are good flatters when courting but are usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like..
=> A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you... * Really?? I'll try it den...U there!! Be ready!!*
=> Guys love you more than you love them if they're really serious in the relationship...
=> Guys think way TOO MUCH... One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it...It can make the guy think about it for hours, tryin to figure out what it meant...
=> Guys seek for advise from girls not other guys...Because most guys think alike..So if one guy get confused, then so as the other...
=> When a guy ask you to leave him alone, he'z actually saying "please come and listen to me.." * Awww!!! So sweet...!!! *
=> If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him..It doesn't happen that often..So when it does, you knoe that sumthingz up...
=> If ur best friend seems to avoid you or never around when ur're with ur Bf...Hez probably jealous and yeah he likes u...
=> When a guys tell you that u are beautiful..Don't say u aren't..It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them...
=> When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he'z definitely thinking of something... * Hrrrmmm...I wonder what....*
=> Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.... * Oh yeah??? Ciss...I owes got punched wat...!!! Huuhuuu*
=> Guys has more problems than you can see with ur naked eyes... * Poor thing..Wish I can help thoo... *
=> Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys... * Aahhh-haaa!!! No wonder laa... *
=> Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more...
=> If you are going to reject a guy, just do it...Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more...Tell them that you're aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you...
=> Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them...
=> When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, dat means he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible...
Ooppss...(Oh yeah, u're not "popular" if U've slept with more than 6 guys...Coz u're a HOE@ whore!!)
=> Guys maybe flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about...
=> Guys go crazy over a girl's smile... *Izzit??? hrrmm...Coool...*
=> Guys will do anything just to get you to notice him...
=> Guys hate it when you talk about your ex-Bf or ex love -interest...
=> Boyfriends need to be reassured often that they're still loved... * ahh-haa...Oso need to be manja meh??? *
=> Don't talk about ur guy-friends to ur Boyfriend...
=> Guys get jealous easily... * Haaahhaaa!! Obviously... *
=> Guys are more emotional than they'd like people to think...* EGO-ISM of course..No comment...*
=> Giving a guy a hanging message like "You noe wat??!! uUrrmm...Nevermind..." would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking...And he'll assume that he did something wrong and he'll get obsess about it trying to figure out what it is... * Heehhee... Yaa..yaa...I noe who that person can be...*
=> Guys are good flatters when courting but are usually stammer when they talk to a girl they really like..
=> A usual act that proves that the guy likes you is when he teases you... * Really?? I'll try it den...U there!! Be ready!!*
=> Guys love you more than you love them if they're really serious in the relationship...
=> Guys think way TOO MUCH... One small thing a girl does, even if she doesn't notice it...It can make the guy think about it for hours, tryin to figure out what it meant...
=> Guys seek for advise from girls not other guys...Because most guys think alike..So if one guy get confused, then so as the other...
=> When a guy ask you to leave him alone, he'z actually saying "please come and listen to me.." * Awww!!! So sweet...!!! *
=> If a guy starts to talk seriously, listen to him..It doesn't happen that often..So when it does, you knoe that sumthingz up...
=> If ur best friend seems to avoid you or never around when ur're with ur Bf...Hez probably jealous and yeah he likes u...
=> When a guys tell you that u are beautiful..Don't say u aren't..It makes them want to stop telling you because they don't want you to disagree with them...
=> When a guy looks at you for longer than a second, he'z definitely thinking of something... * Hrrrmmm...I wonder what....*
=> Guys don't like girls who punch harder than they do.... * Oh yeah??? Ciss...I owes got punched wat...!!! Huuhuuu*
=> Guys has more problems than you can see with ur naked eyes... * Poor thing..Wish I can help thoo... *
=> Guys talk about girls more than girls talk about guys... * Aahhh-haaa!!! No wonder laa... *
=> Guys hate rejection, but they hate being led on even more...
=> If you are going to reject a guy, just do it...Don't say they are like a brother or just good friends, it just hurts even more...Tell them that you're aren't interested in a relationship and they will respect you...
=> Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and are MAD confusing but somehow are drawn even more to them...
=> When a guy sacrifices his sleep and health just to be with you, dat means he really likes you and wants to be with you as much as possible...
Sunday, January 20, 2008
I'm NOT Ok...
Its a mistake...It shudn't have happened...O God, help me to overcome this...Why do I always fall?? And once I fall, I'll fall down really hard... :-(
Once again, I fall for the wrong guy...WTF!! Or maybe I was in the wrong situation...All this while, I've been telling myself that I'm just confused...Telling myself that the feeling is not real...Keep reminding myself that hez not mine...and will never be...DAmNn!!
Am sooo foolish to believe that I might have a chance...Guess I'm too stubborn to accept the fact that he belongs to someone else...Great!! Im just hurting myself even more...Its my fault tho...Even though there are loads of other guy out there...I stubbornly choose the one that Im suppose to stand away from....Sometime, I just dont understand myself....*blur*
And why on earth is this soooo painful??!!!
For 2 nights, I've been sleeping-not-soundly-n-not peacefully with those thoughts...My mind is a messed!! Gosshh!! I even planned to go out and get drunk 2 night ago...But I guess luck wasnt on my side again...Some technical problem occur that no one picks me up and I got stuck at home...Crying myself to sleep when I think of it...Cant believe I smoke today tho...Hell ya...wtf...And its like me smoking for the first time for this situation...Well, Im not an addicted smoker ok...Stupid brother...Keep your cigars out of my sight laa!!!
"With you" is on the speaker now...Huuuhuuu...Reminds me of him tho...DaRrrnNN!! Instead of admiring my favourite song, am actually starting to shed tears...UuurrgrggHH!H!!!! I hate it!! Hate this fuckin feeling!! And why am I so fuckin emotional???!!!
Once again, I fall for the wrong guy...WTF!! Or maybe I was in the wrong situation...All this while, I've been telling myself that I'm just confused...Telling myself that the feeling is not real...Keep reminding myself that hez not mine...and will never be...DAmNn!!
Am sooo foolish to believe that I might have a chance...Guess I'm too stubborn to accept the fact that he belongs to someone else...Great!! Im just hurting myself even more...Its my fault tho...Even though there are loads of other guy out there...I stubbornly choose the one that Im suppose to stand away from....Sometime, I just dont understand myself....*blur*
And why on earth is this soooo painful??!!!
For 2 nights, I've been sleeping-not-soundly-n-not peacefully with those thoughts...My mind is a messed!! Gosshh!! I even planned to go out and get drunk 2 night ago...But I guess luck wasnt on my side again...Some technical problem occur that no one picks me up and I got stuck at home...Crying myself to sleep when I think of it...Cant believe I smoke today tho...Hell ya...wtf...And its like me smoking for the first time for this situation...Well, Im not an addicted smoker ok...Stupid brother...Keep your cigars out of my sight laa!!!
"With you" is on the speaker now...Huuuhuuu...Reminds me of him tho...DaRrrnNN!! Instead of admiring my favourite song, am actually starting to shed tears...UuurrgrggHH!H!!!! I hate it!! Hate this fuckin feeling!! And why am I so fuckin emotional???!!!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Happy Birthday...
is 1 year old today!!!
Yayyy!! Thanks to all u readers out there...For reading this lame blog of mine....And also to those whos given me all the comments, support and advices...
* Wish I could change my URL laa...huuhuu...*
Thursday, January 17, 2008
The Perfect Lover
Read this somewhere...So, I decide to post it...
Its VERY interesting....Hahaahaa...
How I wish I get to experience it...Well, I did actually...But only some of it tho...
Anywhere, this is not my work ok....
Every girl dreams that one day she will find a boy that does these things for her. Even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she is gorgeous..
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• look at her like she's the only one you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you're around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms..
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.
Its VERY interesting....Hahaahaa...
How I wish I get to experience it...Well, I did actually...But only some of it tho...
Anywhere, this is not my work ok....
Every girl dreams that one day she will find a boy that does these things for her. Even the smallest action can have the BIGGEST impact in someones life.
• give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in.
• leave her cute text notes.
• kiss her in front of your friends.
• tell her she is gorgeous..
• look into her eyes when you talk to her.
• let her mess with your hair
• touch her hair.
• just walk around with her.
• look at her like she's the only one you see.
• tickle her even when she says stop.
• hold her hand when you're around your friends.
• when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
• let her fall asleep in your arms..
• get her mad, then kiss her.
• tease her and let her tease you back.
• stay up all night with her when she's sick.
• watch her favorite movie with her.
• kiss her forehead.
• give her the world.
• write her letters.
• let her wear your clothes.
• when she's sad, hang out with her.
• let her know she's important.
• let her take all the photos she wants of you.
• kiss her in the pouring rain.
• when you fall in love with her, tell her.
• and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved someone before.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Story with beautiful meaning...
A little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The father was kind of scared, so he asked his little girl,
"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.."
The little girl then say, "No dad, you hold my hand.."
"Whats the different??" Asked the puzzled father...
"Theres a big difference", replied the little girl.." If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chance are that I may let your hand go...But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happen, you will never let my hand go..."
So, dearest reader out there...Hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours...
Yeah...I know..This story is tooo short..But it carries a lot of meaning + feeling tho...
"Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don't fall into the river.."
The little girl then say, "No dad, you hold my hand.."
"Whats the different??" Asked the puzzled father...
"Theres a big difference", replied the little girl.." If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chance are that I may let your hand go...But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happen, you will never let my hand go..."
So, dearest reader out there...Hold the hand of the person who loves you rather than expecting them to hold yours...
Yeah...I know..This story is tooo short..But it carries a lot of meaning + feeling tho...

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
School just started...And Im not happy at all..I missed my friend tho...Hey!! Wheres my Xmas n New Year present??? hehehee...I missed KL too...Wish I was there a little bit longer...
Soory for not posting stuff about my holiday in KL and Ipoh...Theres too many things to mention...From walking to Jusco everyday to shop, then to KLCC again to shop, had sushi for supper everynite...3 hours trip to Ipoh, went to Ipoh Parade to shop, the wedding dinner (encounter some weird guy flirting me...Get lost laa!!), the non-stop eating trip, back to Kl again...
Move to another's uncle house at subang jaya, shop at Subang Parade, roasted turkey for Xmas eve ( I do all the stuffing and sewing ok..) Woke up damn early for church services, then eat then proceed to 1 Utama to shop, then to Giant...Next day, go to Sunway Pyramid..Ice skate for the first time and I never fell!!! Hahahaa...Shopping again...
Move back to another house at Wangsa Maju...Went to Times Square, Almost ride the roller coaster..to bad its soo damn expensive during the holiday....Got my spongebob there..Then to Sungei Wang -BB Plaza..Shopping again...Shop..n Shop Shop!!
Blaaa..bllaa..blaa...See...How can I type every detail of my trip there???
OMG!!!! Im gona be soo damn broke this week!! *tsskk..tskk* Mummy had a bad day to day...I was told by my aunty that her handbag got stolen form the car....The thief broke the windscreen and took it...Stupid idiotic people...Im not sure tho whether shez in there at that time..She doesnt want to tell us about it...huuhuu...Even daddy doesnt know...She manage to fix the windscreen asap...I notice shez like soo quite the today...Guess she got traumatized from the incident...huuhuu...
Bout schools....I dont think I wana talk about it...I hate how I feel right now...Uurrrgghhh!!!! Its just the second week of the new semester and Im sorta having some tiny problems...haaaihh!!! I duno whether its me or somebody else created it....But obviously, Im in it and I took it seriously...Even though its noting....
o goshh!! I dun even know what the hell Im talking about...
NaaAa...*headache* Wana go to bed...
Lap U guysss...Muaakkxxx!!!
Soory for not posting stuff about my holiday in KL and Ipoh...Theres too many things to mention...From walking to Jusco everyday to shop, then to KLCC again to shop, had sushi for supper everynite...3 hours trip to Ipoh, went to Ipoh Parade to shop, the wedding dinner (encounter some weird guy flirting me...Get lost laa!!), the non-stop eating trip, back to Kl again...
Move to another's uncle house at subang jaya, shop at Subang Parade, roasted turkey for Xmas eve ( I do all the stuffing and sewing ok..) Woke up damn early for church services, then eat then proceed to 1 Utama to shop, then to Giant...Next day, go to Sunway Pyramid..Ice skate for the first time and I never fell!!! Hahahaa...Shopping again...
Move back to another house at Wangsa Maju...Went to Times Square, Almost ride the roller coaster..to bad its soo damn expensive during the holiday....Got my spongebob there..Then to Sungei Wang -BB Plaza..Shopping again...Shop..n Shop Shop!!
Blaaa..bllaa..blaa...See...How can I type every detail of my trip there???
OMG!!!! Im gona be soo damn broke this week!! *tsskk..tskk* Mummy had a bad day to day...I was told by my aunty that her handbag got stolen form the car....The thief broke the windscreen and took it...Stupid idiotic people...Im not sure tho whether shez in there at that time..She doesnt want to tell us about it...huuhuu...Even daddy doesnt know...She manage to fix the windscreen asap...I notice shez like soo quite the today...Guess she got traumatized from the incident...huuhuu...
Bout schools....I dont think I wana talk about it...I hate how I feel right now...Uurrrgghhh!!!! Its just the second week of the new semester and Im sorta having some tiny problems...haaaihh!!! I duno whether its me or somebody else created it....But obviously, Im in it and I took it seriously...Even though its noting....
o goshh!! I dun even know what the hell Im talking about...
NaaAa...*headache* Wana go to bed...
Lap U guysss...Muaakkxxx!!!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
To Those....
To My Friends Who Are.....SINGLE...
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But
if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it.
Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose > the best <
To My Friends Who Are........NOT SO SINGLE...
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's about
finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be
To My Friends Who Are.......PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE...
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do
to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
To My Friends Who Are......MARRIED...
Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.'
Not 'where are you', but 'I'm right here.'
Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.'
Not 'I wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'
To My Friends Who Are.......ENGAGED....
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
but how good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are........HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To My Friends Who Are.......NAIVE...
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent,
share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand and get hurt but never keep the pain.
To My Friends Who Are......POSSESSIVE....
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are......AFRAID TO CONFESS...
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel
To My Friends Who Are.......STILL HOLDING ON...
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong, mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish.
Love is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you. But
if you just let it fly, it will come to you when you least expect it.
Love can make you happy but often it hurts, but love's only special when you give it
to someone who is really worth it. So take your time and choose > the best <
To My Friends Who Are........NOT SO SINGLE...
Love isn't about becoming somebody else's 'perfect person.' It's about
finding someone who helps you become the best person you can be
To My Friends Who Are.......PLAYBOY/GIRL TYPE...
Never say 'I love you' if you don't care. Never talk about feelings if they aren't there.
Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.
Never look in the eye when all you do is lie. The cruelest thing a guy can do
to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall and it works both ways...
To My Friends Who Are......MARRIED...
Love is not about 'it's your fault', but 'I'm sorry.'
Not 'where are you', but 'I'm right here.'
Not 'how could you', but 'I understand.'
Not 'I wish you were', but 'I'm thankful you are.'
To My Friends Who Are.......ENGAGED....
The true measure of compatibility is not the years spent together
but how good you are for each other.
To My Friends Who Are........HEARTBROKEN
Heartbreaks last as long as you want and cut as deep as you allow them to go.
The challenge is not how to survive heartbreaks but to learn from them.
To My Friends Who Are.......NAIVE...
How to be in love: Fall but don't stumble, be consistent but not too persistent,
share and never be unfair, understand and try not to demand and get hurt but never keep the pain.
To My Friends Who Are......POSSESSIVE....
It breaks your heart to see the one you love happy with someone else but it's more painful to know that the one you love is unhappy with you.
To My Friends Who Are......AFRAID TO CONFESS...
Love hurts when you break up with someone. It hurts even more when someone breaks up with you.
But love hurts the most when the person you love has no idea how you feel
To My Friends Who Are.......STILL HOLDING ON...
A sad thing about life is when you meet someone and fall in love,
only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and that you have wasted years on someone who wasn't worth it. If he isn't worth it now he's not going to be worth it a year or 10 years from now. Let go.....
My wish for you is a man/women whose love is honest, strong, mature, never-changing, uplifting, protective, encouraging, rewarding and unselfish.
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~~ClueLess...We're on the ROAD to nowhere..I keep going back to the things that I need to walk away from..~~